Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sharma now….who next ?

Guyana once again bleeds. This time not from marauding gunmen wantonly shooting at innocent civilians, but from an assault on the tenets of natural justice by the President of Guyana, Bharrat Jagdeo. His unilateral decision to sit in judgment in a matter for which he was the subject of the complaint demonstrates a blatant disregard for fairness and equal treatment before the law. The Alliance For Change strongly condemns this disregard for the rule of law and this threat to the basic principles of democracy.

Strict adherence to the Rule of Law, Natural Justice and Fairness is the lifeblood of any democracy. It stands as the most important right in any community of men and women. It is that right which establishes and enhances the dignity of all people. The Government’s action was clearly intended to remove all forms of independent expression. This continues with access to our “national TV station” paid for by all Guyanese taxpayers, denied to opposition political parties and ordinary Guyanese. This continues in communities like Linden where choice is limited to the government TV station and where independent TV stations are repeatedly prevented from providing a service to this area. This censorship continues in government’s refusal to allow freedom of expression through the issuing of radio licenses. Where else in the Caribbean will you find one state run radio station in this age of communication!. Are the PPP afraid of competition? Is the right to different views and freedom of information not the basis of any true democracy? Such action by any Government therefore must be condemned and denounced.

This event is the latest on a long list of incidents that demonstrate the abuse of power and corrupt practices which have taken place in Guyana within the last week. These including the recent Fidelity/GRA fiasco and the helicopter scam which has seen the questionable expenditure of $300 Million of hard earned Guyanese taxpayer dollars. This is but a vindication of what the AFC has been saying namely that the PPP Jagdeo Government is on a slide back into dictatorship reminiscent of the worst days of the PNC Government.

The Alliance For Change maintains that the President is the one who contravened the Rule of Law when he usurped the function of the ACB, acted contrary to Regulation 10 of 2001 of the Telegraphy Regulations, and then decided to be a Judge in his own cause. It is as shameful as it is unlawful. The Alliance For Change sees this closure not only as an exhibition of unlawfulness and arrogance, and with the purpose to drive fear in the minds of critics, but also to divert attention from the rampant corruption and security crises which rage in our unhappy country.

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